Wind turbine in a cloudy landscape
Wind turbine in a very green landscape
Wind turbine field

The use of a drone for wind turbines

Properly inspecting and maintaining wind turbine blades is vital to the renewable energy industry. Early identification of potential issues allows operators to prevent costly downtime and maintain the smooth operation of their turbines. Damage or malfunction to blades can cause major disruptions and result in significant financial losses.

Conducting inspections using traditional methods, such as manned inspections, can be costly, time-consuming and pose significant risks to the skilled personnel required to access tall structures in remote locations. Additionally, methods such as capturing blade images from ground cameras often yield low-quality results.

Advancements in safer, more efficient, and reliable inspection methods can help to improve the reliability and competitiveness of the wind energy sector, and aid in the global shift towards renewable energy sources.

Using drones can double wind turbine inspections in the same amount of time, making drones a cost-effective solution.



High Resolution Camera

New drone sensors provides high-resolution images and allows for the identification of defects not visible to the human eye, and expands the scope of inspections.


Our drone can zoom up to x56 times, allowing you to locate defects such as erosion, cracks and general wear on the blades


Inspectors can gather necessary information without the need for personnel to enter hazardous areas or perform tasks at elevated heights.


Utilizing drones for wind turbine inspections is more budget-friendly than utilizing a manned inspection team. We complete inspections in a shorter amount of time and cover a larger area than traditional rope technicians.